Geeking in technology since 1985, with IBM Development, focused upon Docker and Kubernetes on the IBM Z LinuxONE platform In the words of Dr Cathy Ryan, "If you don't write it down, it never happened". To paraphrase one of my clients, "Every day is a school day". I do, I learn, I share. The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions. Remember, YMMV
Friday, 31 July 2009
IBM HTTP Server as a Reverse Proxy for IBM Lotus Quickr Services for Lotus Domino 8.2
Thursday, 30 July 2009
WebSphere Portlet Factory 6.1.2 and Rational Application Developer 7.5 Together
Application Developer together, I thought it'd be helpful to provide
screenshots of the deployment configuration screens for WebSphere
Application Server and WebSphere Portal; these screens are seen when a
new WPF project is created, and are used to map to the underlying WAS/ WP test environment: -*UPDATE* Although I've not yet tried this, I'm told that RAD 7.5 fixpack 3 *MAY* cause some conflicts with WPF - I'll try this at some point hopefully soon ( on a VMware so that I can roll back ) and post an update here once I know more *UPDATE*
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Lotus Connections 2.0.1 and WebSphere Portal 6.1 Together
IBM WebSphere Portal and Lotus Web Content Management search: Essentials and best practices
Thursday, 16 July 2009
HTTP 501 Not Implemented when attempting to administrator Sametime 8.0.2
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Excellent new blog from IBM's Java team ....
Enjoy !
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Automagically starting Domino on Linux
Using Domino Web Administrator to register new users
It's worth noting that (a) I'm NOT a Domino guru and (b) this may well
be a work-in-progress.
Therefore, please use extreme caution if you choose to follow this,
and let me know where I've gone wrong :-)
It's been bugging me for a long while that I need to fire up the
Domino Administrator client each time I want to register new users,
when I'd much rather use the Web Administrator ( webadmin.nsf ).
Well, today, I finally managed to achieve my goal, and have documented
my steps as follows: -
a) Open Domino Administrator and log in as admin. user e.g. domadmin/ibm
b) Choose File -> Open Server and choose server to be managed e.g.
c) Choose Configuration -> Tools -> Certification -> Migrate Certifier
d) Navigate to server's on file system ( may need to copy it
from server to client )
e) Enter certifier password ( created when server first installed )
f) Select the server on which the certifier will run e.g. voyager/ibm
g) Note that ICL DB to be created e.g. icl`icl_1926.nsf
h) Choose to encrypt certifier ID with Locking ID and select domadmin/
ibm from the IBM directory
i) Note that the domadmin/ibm user has CAA and RA roles
j) Click Add
k) From IBM directory, choose to add server e.g. voyager/ibm
l) Again, note that voyager/ibm has CAA and RA roles
m) Click on OK
n) Ensure that ADMINP and CA tasks are started/running on Domino server
o) Check admin4.nsf DB for task Modify CA Configuration in Domino
Directory and ensure that it completed without errors
It's worth noting that (a) I'm NOT a Domino guru and (b) this may well
be a work-in-progress.
Therefore, please use extreme caution if you choose to follow this,
and let me know where I've gone wrong :-)
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Wierdness when creating DB2 Administration Server (DAS) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
Thursday, 9 July 2009
EJPPG1009E when attempting to create/use Lotus Sametime Web Conferencing via a portlet
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Mounting the mounting mountain
JNDI - Getting access to the namespace on WebSphere Application Server 6.1
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Lotus Connections not starting ? LDAP OK ? Check DB2 ...
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Lesson to self - read and reread your own blog posts
Disabling Firewall on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
Saturday, 4 July 2009
IBM Software Brand Catalogs
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Fun when running DB2 CLP scripts
Wierdness when installing Lotus Quickr Services for WebSphere Portal 8.1.0
Note to self - Firefox and local connections
Whilst trying to hit my NAS from Firefox on my Mac, I kept seeing errors such as:- Unable to connect Firefox can’t establish a connection t...
Why oh why do I forget this ? Running this command : - ldapsearch -h -p 389 -D CN=bpmbind,CN=Users,DC=uk,DC=ibm,DC=com -w...
Error "ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Unknown authentication method (-6)" on a LDAPSearch command ...Whilst building my mega Connections / Domino / Portal / Quickr / Sametime / WCM environment recently, I was using the LDAPSearch command tha...
Whilst building a new "vanilla" Kubernetes 1.25.4 cluster, I'd started the kubelet service via: - systemctl start