Thursday, 30 July 2009

WebSphere Portlet Factory 6.1.2 and Rational Application Developer 7.5 Together

Helping a client deploy WebSphere Portlet Factory and Rational
Application Developer together, I thought it'd be helpful to provide
screenshots of the deployment configuration screens for WebSphere
Application Server and WebSphere Portal; these screens are seen when a
new WPF project is created, and are used to map to the underlying WAS/ WP test environment: -

*UPDATE* Although I've not yet tried this, I'm told that RAD 7.5 fixpack 3 *MAY* cause some conflicts with WPF - I'll try this at some point hopefully soon ( on a VMware so that I can roll back ) and post an update here once I know more *UPDATE*


Daniele Vistalli said...

Beware, RationalAD 7.5 updates (fix 3) break Portlet Factory. Advise not to update Rad 7.5

Dave Hay said...

Daniele, thanks for the update - will take a look, regards, Dave

Dave Hay said...

Daniele, hmmm, I see: -

Problem during session finalization
Bundle info id "com.bowstreet.designer.designercheatsheets" does not match bundle state id "designercheatsheets"

at the very end of the RAD 7.5.3 iFix 1 update.

Existing WPF projects seem to work, but I'm unable to create new projects. Am investigating further ...

Note to self - Firefox and local connections

 Whilst trying to hit my NAS from Firefox on my Mac, I kept seeing errors such as:- Unable to connect Firefox can’t establish a connection t...