Thursday, 9 July 2009

EJPPG1009E when attempting to create/use Lotus Sametime Web Conferencing via a portlet

Having set up a oh-so-cool collaboration demo, consisting of Lotus Domino 8.5, Lotus Connections 2.0.1, Lotus Sametime 8.0.2 and Lotus Quickr 8.1.1, all delivered via WebSphere Portal, I was very sad to see that the e-meetings capability of Sametime did not appear to work.

Once a user created a new meeting, they were presented with a nice blank page, with the following exception ( along with others ) in SystemOut.log: -

[09/07/09 16:37:30:138 BST] 00000042 PortletContex E include EJPPG1009E: Resource ExecuteNewMeetingURI could not be found.

This turned out to be a misconfigured set of parameters in the Lotus Web Conferencing portlet, which was resolved by me logging in as the portal administrator ( wpsadmin ), and changing two parameters from: -

SametimeUserName1 = cn=wpsadmin,o=ibm
SametimePassword1 = true

from: -

SametimeUserName1 = cn=domadmin,o=ibm
SametimePassword1 = passw0rd

( where cn=domadmin,o=ibm is the Domino administrator of the domain in which the Sametime server is running )

This Technote is of some help: -

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