Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Adobe Flex and WebSphere Portal

Can't remember who asked me about this on the Portal PoT today, but here is a pertinent article, Using Adobe Flex in JSR-286 Portlets, that may be of use.

This article shall show you how the Adobe Flex SDK can be used in a Portal environment to enhance the user interface for a Portlet. It has also previously been possible to use Flex with JSR-168 Portlets and alike, but with the new Portlet 2.0 specification (JSR-286) some things have improved, such as the support for asynchronous requests, public render parameters and events. Support for the JSR-286 specification has been available in Websphere Portal since version 6.1. It will be shown what is possible with the technology combination Flex/Portlets and where the limits are. The article builds around a Flex demo Portlet example, which is available for download below.

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