Saturday, 2 October 2010

Adjusting the picture size on the Samsung D75

I'm sharing this, because it's something that I wasn't able to find online or in the manual.

We have a Samsung D75 digital camera, which gets used occasionally ( as the Fuji Finepix S7000 does most of the heavy lifting ).

At present, the D75 has a measly 32 MB SD card, and we were finding that a few pictures would wipe it out.

Looking at the display at the rear of the camera, it turned out that we were taking 3M pictures ( which are a lot bigger than the usual 1M that the camera used to do ).

I assumed that this could be changed via the camera's Setup menu, but sadly no such setting existed.

In a moment of madness, I tried pressing other buttons on the rear of the camera, until I found the one marked with a rubbish/trash can - this is usually used to delete pictures from the camera's disk. However, it has a second role; in normal picture taking mode ( as opposed to review mode ), it has a +/- icon on it, which allows one to increase the resolution ( to a massive 7M ) or reduce it downwards - guess which way I went.

So, now you know ....

PS Am going to buy a slightly larger SD card for the camera, given that a 4 GB card is about £5 now :-)

I may then get to use the camera more often - rather than relying upon the rather awful camera in my BlackBerry .....

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