Wednesday, 20 October 2010

SPNEGO SSO Deployment in Lotus Quickr 8.5 Services for Lotus Domino

Earlier today, my IBM colleague, Jiao Jian, published the following article in the Lotus Quickr Wiki: -

SPNEGO SSO Deployment in Lotus Quickr 8.5 Services for Lotus Domino

The SPNEGO SSO is supported by Domino8.5.1, the Quickr8.5 bases on Domino8.5.1, so it also supports the SPNEGO SSO now, the SPNEGO is new SSO solution for Quickr8.5, this article will introduce how to configure the Quickr8.5's SPNEGO SSO, using the SPNEGO, user only needs log in Active Direcoty Domain by Domain User from a Windows Client, then will not meet any authentication dialogs when user visits the Quickr by browser or connector.

This is something that a few of our customers have been looking for, so I'm glad that we're finally able to talk about and, more importantly, implement it.

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