Tuesday, 5 October 2010

ephox WebRadar

Had an interesting meeting yesterday with Tracey and Natalie from ephox at which they showed version 2 of their new WebRadar product.

This looks to be rather useful, as it allows a Lotus Web Content Management (WCM) customer to analyse and report on their web content, using meta-data to provide details of, for example, content item owners, content recently published, content soon to expire etc.

In addition, along with reporting, the user can also "multi-edit" a series of content items to, for example, quickly change the owner or add a piece of missing meta-data.

The tool includes a search crawler-like scheduled task to analyse the content and a 100% portal-based dashboard to provide the reporting, with single-click access to the original content item ( assuming the user has authority ) and the ability to export the reports to CSV files for off-line analysis.

ephox have an evaulation option up on their website here: -


as well as a set of videos showing how it works.

This, along with EditLive! and the newly released TinyMCE, are a good set of tools, and are worth a look.

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