Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Repost - Creating your own IBM Lotus Connections Wiki client

Rainer Vetter blogged about this earlier: -

Most social networks (Twitter, Blogger, etc.) provide Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs to allow users to extend functionality and interact with their content. In the world of Enterprise Social Networks you, as a Lotus Connections user, can create your own applications and scripts that manipulate Connections content and functionality through the REST / Atom Syndication Format (Atom) API. There are many situations in which you can do smarter work by automating some everyday task, exporting important information to another application, or importing pre-prepared data to your collaborative social web.

One of the most useful features of Lotus Connections is the Wikis application, with which you can collaboratively create pages in rich text, HTML, or Wiki text, sharing them across your network or keeping them as your personal work diaries. Using the REST API you are able to send the data from your selected Wiki page to an external editor or save it as a part of a HTML document. You can also save your Wiki content for off-line editing and synchronize it later with the on-line version.

In this article we demonstrate the possibilities of the Lotus Connections API—specifically, the Wikis application API—and guide you through the process of writing your own REST/Atom client in Python. We introduce some basic scripts, explaining them line by line, and show how to authenticate with Lotus Connections and retrieve and parse a Wiki, or Wiki page Atom entry. You will also learn how to get and post the page content, all of which is made possible by use of the REST/Atom API

Want to know more ? Check out Rainer's post ...


Mati-ur-Rehman Khan said...


The blog you mentioned requires credentials, how can i collect that information

Dave Hay said...

Thanks for the feedback. Have contacted Raine to ask if/why his blog appears to be private.

Hope to update here soon :-)

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