Sunday, 19 June 2011

IBM Web Application Bridge - The Story Continues

Following an earlier blog post, I'm delighted to note that IBM has released an update to the Web Application Bridge (WAB) portlet earlier this month: -

The IBM Web Application Bridge (or WAB) is a feature that uses reverse proxy technology to integrate different web applications natively inside WebSphere Portal pages so that WebSphere Portal becomes the single window of access to users.

Release 2.0 of this component has been enhanced exclusively for supporting integration with Microsoft Sharepoint 2007 by bringing in native Sharepoint 2007 Web UI into Portal through this component and displaying it inside an iFrame within a portlet.

This is supported on IBM WebSphere Portal version 7.0x

More details about its usage and deployment instructions are available here:

The download contains a package. Please unzip that after downloading and use the vwat.paa package extracted from it for installation and deployment using the Solution Installer.

The Solution Installer for WebSphere Portal Server can be downloaded from 

This new WAB release 2.0 portlet is in the Greenhouse here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shame it cant surface a native notes app without reworking it to domino or xpages.

Note to self - Firefox and local connections

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