Wednesday, 1 February 2012

IBM Connections 3.0.1 - Email Notifications

Following on from  a question via the Twitter-sphere about whether it was possible to change the date/time that Connections sends out it's email notifications, I checked a couple of existing sources, including the Wiki and the excellent whitepaper - Customizing IBM Lotus Connections 3.0 email digests and notifications - and then asked one of the IC Development team, based in Dublin, Eire, from whence this response comes: -

There is no set 'time' for the digests, they are processed/delivered throughout the day.

The users in the system are split into 20 tranches. 
Each hour, a task runs to pick up the next applicable tranche (i.e. one whose daily digest was not processed in last 24 hours, or whose weekly digest has not run in 168 hours).

You could change the time of the hour that the task runs, but this will not give the behaviour you are looking for.

The power of social, from Twitter to Sametime to email to blog post …….


Ben Williams said...

Dave thanks very much, really useful to have this written down somewhere.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for this info!

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