Wednesday, 8 February 2012

IBM Content Template Catalog V3.0 (CTC) and WebSphere Portal 7.0.02

This IBM Technote plopped into my In-Box earlier today, and I immediately shared it via Sametime with a number of my colleagues, most of whom are working with the IBM Content Template Catalog (CTC) right now.

IBM Content Template Catalog V3.0 (CTC) is broken after upgrade to WP/WCM V7.0.0.1 CF009 (or later) or fix pack


The IBM Content Template Catalog V3.0 (CTC3) can be installed on IBM Web Content Manager (WCM) V7.0.0.1 or Installing the Combined Cumulative Fix 009 or 010, or upgrading to fix pack level renders CTC3 unusable.


A fix will be made available in the near future and this page will be updated when more information is available.

The IBM Content Template Catalog V3.0 (CTC3) is documented here: -

One of the files necessary for its successful operation is overwritten when installing either Combined CF009, CF010, or fix pack The .jar file, "wp.wcm.templating.jar", is installed into the WCM shared apps directory during a CTC3 install.

To correct the issue, copy the original .jar file from CTC3 back into the shared apps directory (replacing the file present) and restart the server. 

The .jar file is located in "/wp.ctc/components/wp.ctc/enablment/" in the CTC PAA. The non-CTC3 file will be 31KB after installing the CF or fix pack but the CTC3 version is 80KB.

After the restart, the templating functions should be working again.

1 comment:

Dave Hay said...

One of my UK colleagues had asked where the shared/app directory actually should be.

I checked with one of the gurus in the WCM labs in Melbourne, who wrote back: -

The WCM shared app directory is at /wcm/prereq.wcm/wcm/shared/app

You should see a version of the templating jar in there... but it will be a different size.... 31kb, instead of 80kb.

Copy the correct file (the 80kb one) over the top of the broken one, and then restart the server.

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