Thursday, 2 February 2012

Webinar - Kapow Software: Automating Web Content Migrations to IBM WCM

One of my IBM colleagues kindly shared this with me earlier today, and I thought it might be of use to other WCM customers and prospects: -

Date - Thursday, February 9, 2012
Time - 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST

Kapow's software is typically reducing the time and cost of web content migrations time by 80-90%, all while improving accuracy and eliminating business disruptions.   More specifically Kapow offers a stand-alone content migration platform that can extract content and metadata (from unstructured/flat/static html content and many other sources), transform/enrich content and metadata, map source content to target templates and load directly into IBM WCM …….all with no coding and no freeze on content.  

Want to know more ? Please visit here and register.

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