Friday, 14 December 2012

IBM Notes 9 on the Mac - it's lovely ….

Following many others in my network, I've taken the plunge and updated my Mac to run IBM Notes 9, replacing IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.4 CD5.
  • Activity streams: allow you to view and take action quickly on content and events
  • Embedded Experiences: allow you to access business critical actions from other applications without leaving your email. This brings collaboration in-context and results in tighter integration across iNotes, Connections, Notes, app dev (XPages), and 3rd-party products and services
  • Contemporary user interface, simpler navigation, easier to locate information both in Notes and iNotes
  • IBM Notes Browser Plug-in: allows rapid delivery of IBM Notes Social Edition applications to the web
  • Incorporation of a social application container, based on the OpenSocial standard, which provides for development of a reusable set of "gadgets" from both IBM and third parties
  • Inclusion of the XPages Extension Library which greatly improves developer productivity when building collaborative workflow driven applications for web, mobile web and Notes
  • Domino Designer provides a new home page, editor enhancements and a server-side JavaScript debugger for use with XPages
  • Enhancements to Domino REST services and new Calendaring and Scheduling APIs
  • Domino integration: SAML, OAuth
  • Notes Traveler: Windows Phone 7.5/8; BlackBerry 10 BES support; IBM i Server
It's early days, but it's looking very nice.

Here's the IBM Notes and Domino 9.0 Social Edition Public Beta Forum from where you can access the Public Beta site here: -

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Note to self - Firefox and local connections

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