Monday, 3 December 2012

Problems with non-unique InstallationGUID in IBM Business Process Manager v8


When you attempt to deploy an application, you cannot select your runtime environment because the user interface keeps changing between each of your environments. For instance, it displays the development environment, then the production environment, and then staging environment instead of showing 3 distinct environments.


You used the same SQL scripts to set up each environment. The SQL scripts have a hard-coded installation ID for each environment. If you use the same installation scripts for each environment, then they all have the same unique installation ID.


Check the createTable_ProcessServer.sql script and ensure that the statement: -

VALUES ('InstallationGUID', 'dba1912e-d0b0-46d4-b8cb-505e10296f99') ;

( actual value will vary from site to site )

*ALWAYS* uses a unique InstallationGUID value.

This IBM Technote puts it far far better than I can: -

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