The fix pack is available on IBM Fix Central.
Here's a short-cut to the fix pack itself: -
Geeking in technology since 1985, with IBM Development, focused upon Docker and Kubernetes on the IBM Z LinuxONE platform In the words of Dr Cathy Ryan, "If you don't write it down, it never happened". To paraphrase one of my clients, "Every day is a school day". I do, I learn, I share. The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions. Remember, YMMV
Whilst trying to hit my NAS from Firefox on my Mac, I kept seeing errors such as:- Unable to connect Firefox can’t establish a connection t...
I found that if you search by operating system (e.g. Linux x86-64) it won't show up the Profile Template fixpacks. Therefore you need to search for ALL operating systems (like you did).
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