Thursday, 19 March 2009

Aid Memoire - Lotus Quickr Services for Lotus Domino - Specifying super user access to the server

A user granted super user access to the server can read and edit every page in every place, customize every place, control the membership of every place, create places, and use the Site Administration link to perform administration tasks. By default, no super user is defined.

Note the following additional points about super user access:

• You can give super user access only to an external user or group.
• Offline functionality is not supported when accessing a server as a super user.
• You use the qpconfig.xml file to control super user access from a browser and a QuickPlaceAdministratorsSUGroup in the Domino Directory to control super user access from a Lotus Notes client.
• Place managers automatically have super user access to the places they manage, and can give additional users super user access to those places. See the Help for additional information on place membership.
• If a user is a super user as well as an explicit member of a place, the user's level of access depends on whether the place uses standard membership or expanded membership. If the place uses standard membership, the user gets the access assigned through the explicit membership. If the place uses expanded membership, the user gets super user access to the place. For example, if a user with super user access is also a member of a place with Reader access and the place uses standard membership, the user has Reader access to the place. However, if the place uses expanded membership, the user has super user access to the place.

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