Sunday, 29 March 2009

Performance tuning IBM Lotus Quickr services for Lotus Domino

The goal of performance tuning is to improve the output based on certain hardware. You should pay particular attention to the tuning parameters that apply to your hardware and network configurations.
This article shows you how to conduct performance tuning in three aspects: the operating system, Lotus Domino, and Lotus Quickr. Tuning the operating system involves improving the performance of the operating system itself, which reacts to the performance of Lotus Quickr services for Lotus Domino. Lotus Quickr 8.1 supports the Microsoft® Windows®, AIX®, and System i® operating systems. Another layer, the Lotus Domino server, is the back end for Lotus Quickr services for Lotus Domino, so tuning the Lotus Domino server also reacts to improvements in the performance of Lotus Quickr.
A different version of Lotus Quickr, Lotus Quickr services for WebSphere Portal, is not covered in this article. Here, when we refer to "Lotus Quickr," we mean Lotus Quickr services for Lotus Domino exclusively.

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