It's been a while since I did this from scratch, so I was stumped on Friday when I wasn't able to retrieve a list of Domino databases using the Domino Data Access builder in WebSphere Portlet Factory.

I'm using Domino 8.5 and WebSphere Portlet Factory 6.1.2, and was seeing: -
class com.bowstreet.webapp.engine.WebAppRuntimeException: lotus.domino.NotesException
Plug-in Provider: IBM
Plug-in Name: WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer UI
Plug-in ID: com.bowstreet.designer.ui
Version: 6.1.2
NotesException: Could not open Notes session
Caused by: org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: Connection refused: connect Host: Port: 63148 vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 1 completed: No
I thought I'd already started the DIIOP task, but when I checked using NETSTAT -AON | FIND "LISTENING", I could NOT see anything listening on the default IIOP port of 63148.
I went back to the Domino console, entered the command LOAD DIIOP, and tried again.
This time, it worked OK.
I'd previously checked two other potential setup snafus: -
a) Current Server Document -> Internet Protocol -> HTTP -> Basics -> Host name(s) == needs to be set
b) Current Server Document -> Internet Protocol -> HTTP -> R5 Basics -> Allow HTTP clients to browse databases == Yes
This document on the IBM website was also of help, in reminding me of where I'd gone wrong :-)
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