Thursday, 23 September 2010

Installing Ubuntu Linux 10.04 on an IBM Thinkpad R50e

Just going through a clean installation of Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx on my beloved's old-but-still-good Thinkpad, and immediately hit a problem whereby the display would go blank as soon it had finished booting from the DVD, either into Live CD mode or into Installation mode.

However, after a quick Google search, I stumbled upon this article Ubuntu 10.04 “Lucid” Blank Screen at Startup : Workaround which reports a similar problem, albeit post installation, and solution, which involves editing the GRUB loader: -

Booting from CD

This section outlines how to workaround the video issue while booting from the CD. Your mileage may vary, depending on your video card, but hopefully this steers you in the right direction:

  1. At the install screen press ‘F6‘ and insert one of the options below, depending on your hardware.
  2. On first boot after install, press e to edit the GRUB menu.
  3. Using the arrow keys to navigate, delete quiet and splash and again insert one of the options below.
  4. Press Ctrl and X to boot.

The suggested options that I have found are hardware specific. Here is a list:

  • Older Intel video card: i915.modeset=1 or i915.modeset=0
  • nVidia: nomodeset
  • Generic: xforcevesa

Hopefully one of these options will get you up and running. Keep reading now to make these changes persistent!

For me, the "secret sauce" was to use the i915.modeset=1 switch, having removed quiet and splash.

The installation started, and is running at 93% as I type. I may have to revisit this post-installation, to make the changes to GRUB permanently.

For the record, the machine is a 1834-BYG as per the IBM support site here: -

and the graphics card is an Intel Extreme.



Dave Hay said...

As I thought, I also needed to edit /etc/default/grub and replace the line: -


with: -

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet splash i915.modeset=1"

and then run: -


to apply my modification to the pukka /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Having done this, I'm able to reboot without problems.

Dave Hay said...

For the record, the new line in /etc/default/grub should be: -

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT='quiet splash i915.modeset=1'

rather than: -

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet splash i915.modeset=1"

as the double quotes "break" GRUB, whereby update-grub excepts with: -

Syntax error: EOF in backquote substitution

Bottom line; use an apostrophe (') rather than double quotes (").

P@RRY said...

hey dave,

I got an IBM Thinkpad R50e too and I am totally new to Linux (Ubuntu 10.04 LTS). I succesfully installed Ubuntu then when it restarted I wasnt able to get into grub. When I restarted it it went blank screen again. Please guide me and help me what and how to get it back on track?


Dave Hay said...

@Parry - you will need to interrupt the GRUB boot process by holding down the [Shift] key during the boot process.

This will allow you to edit the boot command and add i915.modeset=1 to the command.

Once you've successfully booted, you'll need to edit /etc/default/grub as per my comment of September 23rd

P@RRY said...

i opened the terminal window & typed in "gedit /etc/default/grub" when the window came up i typed "...i915.modeset=1". When I try to save it from the window it doesnt let me it says all sorts of things. The save option is not highlighted in the file drop down menu and when i close the gedit window where i made the changes. It says "Save changes to document "grub" before closing. If you dont save, changes fomr the last minute & 26 seconds will be lost permanently."
The options it shows is close without saving/cancel & save as.

What & how do I do next: save & update??

P.S.: Sorry but I am a complete noob of Linux just installed it day before for the first time.

P@RRY said...

Hey Dave,

Sorry I forgot the power of SUDO. lol

Sorry I finally did manage to update and save it effectively.

I have to admit one thing yr blog is a better tutorial than the official ubuntu help.

I will keep posting on here for regular help from you, if I may.



Dave Hay said...

@Parry - glad to be of assistance. Part of the fun of Linux is learning for the first time, and then sharing. Regards, Dave

P@RRY said...

you are right, sir.

1. I have another system which is running Win7. Is it possible for me to take remote desktop access from WIN7 of my Ubuntu running Thinkpad R50e?



Dave Hay said...

@Parry - sure, you could install and use VNC ( Virtual Network Computing ) on the Ubuntu box, and then use the VNC Viewer from your Windows machine.

Alternatively, you could install a X11 Server onto Windows e.g. Exceed, Cygwin/X, XMing etc. and then connect from Win to Lin using the X11 protocol.

P@RRY said...

Hey Dave,

I got another question for you. I was able to remotely access Ubuntu box from Windows 7 but it dint work out the other way round.

Also, is there a way of making the access of Ubuntu Box permanent without asking the Ubuntu Box user for a permission to allow the access.



Dave Hay said...

@Parry - not sure about the Windows 7 issue, but perhaps you need to enable remote access in order to then access your desktop, if you're using the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client e.g. rdesktop, tsclient, vinagre.

Alternatively, you could install VNC Server on your Win7 box and use vncviewer from Ubuntu.

Not sure about your other question; what are you referring to ?

P@RRY said...

Hey Dave,

I think the R50e is a real old school probably from the confederate times lol.

It gave up on me.....I did some updates it prompted me for soon after the first msg on reboot it gave is "could not update ICEauthority file....etc" and when i click close then another one and so on.

Now I wana know how can i restore my Ubuntu to the way i first installed it after editing the "i915.nomodeset=1" entry.



Dave Hay said...

@Parry, well, assuming you don't have a backup, you may need to reinstall Ubuntu, making the changes to GRUB during and after the installation process

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