This is the first of a series of posts, as I get back up to speed with scripting installations. This is part of my preparation for an upcoming engagement to build a Collaboration Portal environment.
So here're the steps for IBM HTTP Server 7
(a) Unpack the code ( for me, IHS is part of the WAS ND )
$ cd /tmp
$ tar xvzf /mnt/WAS7/WAS7NDSupp64.tar.gz
(b) Create a response file ( your options may well vary ) : -
$ vi ~/responsefile.txt
-OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true"
-OPT allowNonRootSilentInstall=false
-OPT installLocation="/opt/IBM/HTTPServer"
-OPT httpPort="80"
-OPT adminPort="8008"
-OPT createAdminAuth="true"
-OPT disableOSPrereqChecking="true"
-OPT adminAuthUser="ihsadmin"
-OPT adminAuthPassword="passw0rd"
-OPT adminAuthPasswordConfirm="passw0rd"
-OPT runSetupAdmin="true"
-OPT createAdminUserGroup=true
-OPT setupAdminUser="ihsadmin"
-OPT setupAdminGroup="ihsadmins"
-OPT installPlugin="true"
-OPT webserverDefinition="webserver1"
-OPT washostname=""
(c) Perform the installation
$ ./install -options ~/responsefile.txt -silent
(d) Wait a bit - I timed it using the time command, and it took a little over 4 minutes
(e) Check the logs: -
$ cat /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/logs/install/log.txt
(01-Jun-2012 20:23:20), Process,, msg1, Running configuration command: GSKitPostInstall, percent complete: 100%
(01-Jun-2012 20:23:20), Process, com.installshield.wizardx.conditions.PlatformWizardBeanCondition, dbg.platform, target platform: name="Linux" version="2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64" arch="amd64"
(01-Jun-2012 20:23:20), Process, com.installshield.wizardx.conditions.PlatformWizardBeanCondition, dbg.platform, condition platform: name="Windows .*" version="." arch="."
(01-Jun-2012 20:23:20), Process, com.installshield.wizardx.conditions.PlatformWizardBeanCondition, dbg.platform, target platform: name="Linux" version="2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64" arch="amd64"
(01-Jun-2012 20:23:20), Process, com.installshield.wizardx.conditions.PlatformWizardBeanCondition, dbg.platform, condition platform: name="Windows .*" version="." arch="."
(01-Jun-2012 20:23:21), Process, com.installshield.wizardx.conditions.PlatformWizardBeanCondition, dbg.platform, target platform: name="Linux" version="2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64" arch="amd64"
(01-Jun-2012 20:23:21), Process, com.installshield.wizardx.conditions.PlatformWizardBeanCondition, dbg.platform, condition platform: name="Windows .*" version="." arch="."
(01-Jun-2012 20:23:21), Process, com.installshield.wizardx.conditions.PlatformWizardBeanCondition, dbg.platform, target platform: name="Linux" version="2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64" arch="amd64"
(01-Jun-2012 20:23:21), Process, com.installshield.wizardx.conditions.PlatformWizardBeanCondition, dbg.platform, condition platform: name="Windows .*" version="." arch="."
(01-Jun-2012 20:23:21), Process,, msg1, Current install/uninstall process is successful. Process type is: install
(01-Jun-2012 20:23:21), Process,, msg1, CWUPI0000I: EXITCODE=0
(01-Jun-2012 20:23:21), Process,, msg1, INSTCONFSUCCESS
*** UPDATED - 7/6/2012 ***
(f) Check the WAS Plugin logs: -
$ cat /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/Plugins/logs/install/log.txt
(04-Jun-2012 16:54:44), Process,, msg1, CWUPI0000I: EXITCODE=0
(04-Jun-2012 16:54:44), Process,, msg1, INSTCONFSUCCESS
(g) Go and celebrate with a cup of tea
Next to do the same for Update Installer, WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Portal, DB2 UDB and IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator ....
Geeking in technology since 1985, with IBM Development, focused upon Docker and Kubernetes on the IBM Z LinuxONE platform In the words of Dr Cathy Ryan, "If you don't write it down, it never happened". To paraphrase one of my clients, "Every day is a school day". I do, I learn, I share. The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions. Remember, YMMV
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nice : you might also want to check the plugin install logs too.
@Peter - thanks, will add that in to the next iteration
@Peter - done, thanks again
@Dave - Please let me know how to install IHS v8.0 Silently. I have created my own response file.
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