Tuesday, 9 October 2012

IBM WebSphere - Support technical exchanges

IBM support wants to help you take full advantage of your product. Join us as technical experts share their knowledge and then answer your questions. The sessions are designed to address specific technical issues and provide in-depth but narrowly focused training in convenient, live 1-2 hour seminars. Visit this site often to see upcoming topics and presenters.

Here's some examples of upcoming calls: -

09 Oct 2012 CICS Explorer - Customizing Perspectives

This Technical Exchange will demonstrate how to customize CICS Explorer perspectives for various user roles and environments. The presenter will use CICS Transaction Server for z/OS (CICS TS) V4.2 and the latest CICS Explorer V1.1.1.2, but the presentation will apply to other versions of CICS including CICS TS for VSE/ESA.

11 Oct 2012 Plug-in Configuration Tool (PCT) v8.0

Presentation focuses on Plug-in Configuration Tool (PCT) usage; GUI and Command line. Remote and Local configuration scenarios; standalone, managed and unmanaged nodes. In addition, underlying Plug-in ant script related tasks will be discussed along with common problems and related mustgather logs.

16 Oct 2012 AIX Native Memory Problem Determination Techniques and Tools for WebSphere Application Server

This presentation covers native memory issues for WebSphere Application Server, particularly native OutOfMemoryErrors and leaks on AIX. It covers theory, memory layouts, detecting and monitoring (svmon, dbx), isolating and avoiding (including MAXDATA), and finally analyzing leaks with MALLOCDEBUG.

17 Oct 2012 How do you use .Net with the Broker

Introduction and Configuration: How do you use .Net with the Broker.

30 Oct 2012 Web Server Administration Using WebSphere Administration Console

Presentation will address the following: - Creation of Web server definition - Setup and configuration of the IBM Administration Server - WebSphere Customization ToolBox (WCT) for V8 - Troubleshoot some common problems with Web Server Administration

31 Oct 2012 Live Demo: Improving performance with HA Active-Active and Paging feature of WebSphere Adapter for JDBC

HA Active-Active and Paging feature of WebSphere Adapter for JDBC greatly improves performance of adapter. This presentation will discuss in detail how performance can be improved and how users can use these features in their environment to benefit. Session also includes live demos for both features.

06 Nov 2012 Intro to WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus (WESB) Extension to Memory Analyzer, with WESB L3 Memory Usage Service Status Update

The WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus (WESB) Performance and L3 teams will introduce the latest tool for tuning WESB memory usage. Martin will give an introduction/basic tutorial on how to use the features of the WESB Extension to the IBM Memory Analyzer, followed by an update from Andy (L3) discussing the latest in known memory usage defects and the APARs which resolve them.

and there's plenty more when these have come from.

For more details, see here: -

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Note to self - Firefox and local connections

 Whilst trying to hit my NAS from Firefox on my Mac, I kept seeing errors such as:- Unable to connect Firefox can’t establish a connection t...