Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Managing Repositories for Installation of WebSphere Application Server V8

This post covers some information that I've found to be of use as I grow my understanding of the automation options around WebSphere Application Server (WAS) v8 and v8.5, and ties up with earlier posts re IBM Installation Manager and IBM Packaging Utility.

  • Introduction
  • Overview of IBM® Installation Manager and WebSphere Application Server V8.0 offerings
  • Repositories concepts
  • Overview of IBM Packaging Utility
  • Creating an Enterprise Repository
  • Creating Platform-Scoped Repositories
  • Enterprise Repository Servers
  • Tips for Installing Repositories
and is part of a webcast series referenced by this Technote: -

I'm getting closer to a complete understanding of the solution, having managed to automate the installation of IBM Installation Manager on a remote server, using SSH to perform the silent installation, and then use Job Manager to deploy the Liberty Profile to that target box.

It's a learning curve, but I'm loving loving loving it.

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Note to self - Firefox and local connections

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