Thursday, 13 February 2014

Training Paths - IBM Integration Bus / IBM Business Process Manager / IBM Operational Decision Manager

As part of an exchange with a colleague re a high-level scoping document, I nabbed these training paths from the IBM website: -

*UPDATE 10 October 2015*

Those links have mostly changed, so here are the training paths for IIB, BPM and ODM accordingly: -

IBM Integration Bus training paths

IBM Business Process Manager training paths

IBM Operational Decision Manager training paths


Fabricio said...

Hi , the sites you mention are down. Any chance to update that info?. Or any place where I can find tutorials on ibm integration bus 9, websphere mq , bpm 8.5, odm .

thanks in advance

Dave Hay said...

Ciao Fabricio

OK, so those links have become obsolete now :-(

However, here's the links for the IIB, BPM and ODM training paths: -

I'll update the article accordingly,

Cheers, Dave

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