Monday, 9 June 2014

More Cloudy Fun - 200 IBM Bluemix Days

Following on from an earlier post: -

Come learn about IBM's new cloud development platform: IBM Bluemix

IBM Bluemix is an open-standards, cloud-based platform for building, managing and running apps and services of all types (web, mobile, big data, new smart devices). Capabilities include Java, mobile backend development, application monitoring, as well as capabilities from ecosystem partners and open source — all through an as-a-service model in the cloud.

The 200 IBM Bluemix Days include Meetups, Bluemix Advantage sessions, and Hands-On Bluemix Workshops.

For the UK, we have: -

Want to know more, and enrol ? Then please click here: -

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Reminder - installing podman and skopeo on Ubuntu 22.04

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