Friday, 3 June 2016

Fun, Not With Flags, but with Passwords in IBM Installation Manager

I'm installing IBM Integration Designer (IID) 8.5.6 into a Windows VM, as I prepare to write some BPM Advanced SCA/BPEL code ….

However, I hit a pesky password problem with DB2, upon which the IID test environment ( BPM Advanced ) depends.

This is what I did: -

"c:\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\tools\imcl.exe" -input z:\tmp\iid856\installIID856.rsp -acceptLicense

and this is what I saw: -

ERROR: Error during "install" phase:
  ERROR: Password is required.

Installed to the C:\IBM\IntegrationDesigner\v8.5 directory.

In other words, IID does get installed, but nothing else does :-(

In my response file - installIID856.rsp - this is what I have in the context of DB2: -

    <data key='user.db2.admin.username' value='db2admin'/>
    <data key='user.db2.admin.password' value='P455w0rd!!'/>
    <data key='user.db2.port' value='50000'/>
    <data key='user.db2.use.existing' value='false'/>

So the trick is to encode ( "encrypt" ) the password …

This is documented here: -

In short, one needs to encode the password: -

"c:\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\tools\imutilsc.exe" -silent -nosplash encryptString P455w0rd!!!


and update the response file: -

    <data key='user.db2.admin.username' value='db2admin'/>
    <data key='user.db2.admin.password' value='xQCOAvaPmxemUA3E6gZ+AA=='/>
    <data key='user.db2.port' value='50000'/>
    <data key='user.db2.use.existing' value='false'/>

Once done, I uninstalled IID: -

C:\>"c:\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\tools\imcl.exe" uninstallAll

Uninstalled from the C:\IBM\IntegrationDesigner\v8.5 directory.

cleared down the contents of the directory structure, and re-ran the installation process: -

"c:\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\tools\imcl.exe" -input z:\tmp\iid856\installIID856.rsp -acceptLicense

Which always helps :-)

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