Wednesday, 1 June 2016

More on IBM Integration Designer 8.5.5 - "Unable to get property isExists of undefined or null reference"

Following this post from last year: -

in which I write about the issue of installing IBM Integration Designer (IID) from a shared drive on a Windows server.

Most recently, I saw this whilst trying to install IID from a VMware Shared Folder, using VMware Fusion on my Mac, to a Windows 2008 Server R2 VM. I had previously unpacked the installation media into a directory on my Mac, and was hoping to install INTO the VM without needing to copy the source files INTO the VM.

Alas, that did not work, as per my previous post.

However, I've since found this: -

which says, in part: -

On the Microsoft Windows operating system, the LaunchPad always uses Internet Explorer regardless of the default browser that is set by the operating system user. The Internet Explorer default security constraints do not allow applications to access executable files on a remote disk.

which describes how to change IE security policies, albeit briefly, in order to support the installation from a remote "disk".

Which is nice :-)

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