Thursday, 1 September 2016

IBM Installation Manager - Encoding Passwords

I'm creating a response file to install IBM Integration Designer (IID) 8.5.7 on a Windows 7 VM.

As part of this, I'm installing DB2 Express under the covers, and need a password for the account to be used as the DB2 administrator.

This password needs to be encoded, which I do within the response file.

Thankfully, IBM Installation Manager (IIM) has a mechanism to do this: -

"c:\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\tools\imutilsc.exe" -silent -nosplash encryptString p455w0rd

which returns this: -


which is inserted into the response file: -

    <data key='cic.selector.os' value='win32'/>
    <data key='cic.selector.arch' value='x86'/>
    <data key='' value='win32'/>
    <data key='user.db2.admin.username' value='db2admin'/>
    <data key='user.db2.admin.password' value='ZvkXmP226gFG3N9njqQMBAA=='/>
    <data key='user.db2.port' value='50000'/>
    <data key='user.db2.use.existing' value='false'/>
    <data key='' value='en'/>

Thanks to this: -

IBM Installation Manager - Knowledge Centre - Storing credentials

for the insight.

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