Thursday, 1 September 2016

VMware Fusion - Shared Folders and Administrator

I was wondering why my VMware Shared Folder ( mounted as Z: ) wasn't available to my Windows 7  VM *BUT* only when opened a command-prompt as Administrator ( via Run As Administrator ).

When I logged into the VM, I did so as a non-administrative user.

As far as I can establish, under the covers, the Shared Folder is mounted ( using the native Windows Server Message Block - SMB - protocol / drive ).

It appears that this means that the drive ( Z: ) is only available to the logged-in user.

This may be a security feature - avoiding someone inadvertently installing something from a potentially insecure "network" drive …

However, the solution was easy, within the Administrator's command-prompt, I simply unmounted the original drive: -

net use z: /d

and then remounted it: -

net use Z: "\\vmware-host\Shared Folders"

Thanks to this: -

for the clue :-)

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