Tuesday, 6 September 2016

IBM Operational Decision Manager - Running it on WebSphere Liberty Profile on Docker - And there's more

So following my earlier post: -

I noticed that the Rule Execution Server ( Decision Server ) and Rule Team Server ( Decision Center ) capabilities weren't quite working as I'd expected.

Given that the original developerWorks article: -

was written for an older version of ODM ( 8.7.1 whereas I have 8.8.1 ), I reviewed the IBM Knowledge Center here: -

and: -

specifically the server.xml for ODM 8.8.1 on Liberty is subtly different.

The Unix diff command showed me this: -

diff server.xml /tmp/server.xml 






<     <httpSession cookieName="DCSESSIONID" invalidateOnUnauthorizedSessionRequestException="true"/> 


<         <webContainer deferServletLoad="false" enableDefaultIsElIgnoredInTag="true" enableJspMappingOverride="true"/>


< <!-- Business console -->
< <application type="war" id="decisioncenter" name="decisioncenter" location="${server.config.dir}/apps/decisioncenter.war">
<     <classloader delegation="parentLast" />
< ...
< </application>

< <!-- Enterprise console -->
< <application type="war" id="teamserver" name="teamserver" location="${server.config.dir}/apps/teamserver.war">
<     <classloader delegation="parentLast" />
< ...
< </application>

Once I rebuilt my Image with this updated server.xml, things went much better, and I can now log into my Decision Server and Decision Center, and things appear mainly normal.

I still need to sort out the Hosted Transformation Decision Server (HTDS) component, as per this: -

which is tomorrow's job :-)

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