Saturday, 3 September 2016

Tinkering with WebSphere Application Server v9 - Part One

This is the first of, I'm sure, many posts relating to WAS v9

I started by downloading the product from the IBM internal equivalent of Passport Advantage, using this: -

However, I stupidly ONLY downloaded WAS itself, via the part number: -


without realising that: -

(i) I needed IBM Installation Manager (IIM) 1.8.5
(ii) I did NOT have a copy of IIM 1.8.5


That was the first problem ….

Once I downloaded and installed IIM 1.8.5 ( by the way, the links to it ARE in the aforementioned document, if only I'd bothered to read it properly ) …. I tried, and then failed, to install WAS 9.

This time around, I realised that I: -

(i) Needed IBM Java SDK v8
(ii) Didn't have a copy of the IBM Java SDK v8

Again, this WAS mentioned in the aforementioned document AND in the screenshot above :-)

Can you say "Doofus" ?

I've now downloaded the IBM Java SDK v8 so we'll see how I get on ….

For the record, IIM 1.8.5 is p/n CND0ZML: -

and IBM Java SDK v8 is p/n CND18ML: -

Watch this space ….

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