Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Cleaning up WebSphere Application Server profiles

Having performed a clean installation of WebSphere Application Server, I chose to create a Deployment Manager ( dmgr ) profile, but was surprised to find that another profile ( AppSvr01 ) was also created at the same time. However, this profile did not have an application server instance e.g. server1, available to it.

I wanted to create a new, clean profile, also called AppSvr01, I wanted to remove the "old" profile. Being a typical hacker, I used the command: -

rm -Rf /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSvr01

which worked a treat.

However, the Profile Management Tool ( pmt.sh ) still thought that this profile existed, and therefore, would not let me create a new one.

I dug around, and found the manageprofiles.sh command which, through some trial and lots of error, allowed me to validate and then remove the now orphaned AppSvr01 profile as follows: -


The -listProfiles subcommand didn't show AppSvr01 at all, merely returning: -



The -validateRegistry subcommand showed me that AppSvr01 was not valid: -

/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/manageprofiles.sh -validateRegistry

returned: -

A list of profiles that are not valid follows:


The -validateAndUpdateRegistry subcommand cleaned up the registry nicely, returning: -



The -validateRegistry subcommand showed me that AppSvr01 was not valid: -

/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/manageprofiles.sh -validateRegistry

then returned: -

All of the profiles in the registry are valid.

I probably could have used the -augment subcommand, but didn't need to do so in this particular instance.

For the record, here's much much more fine information about manageprofiles.sh


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