Thursday, 5 August 2010

An interesting change looks to be coming with Lotus Web Content Management 7

According to the folks who really should know, the Australia Development Lab, the next release of WCM will have the capability to create a Content Library with a number of default items. To quote from their blog: -

A new option ("Include default items in the new library") has been added when creating a new WCM library. When selected the new library will be pre-populated with a basic set of items. This helps avoid the some what tedious initial setup steps needed to get WCM going (e.g. Create a Workflow, but need stages... that need actions etc etc etc). 

The default items include:
  • Workflow Actions (Publish and Expire)
  • Workflow stages (3 of them)
  • Workfow (An express and a 3 stage workflow)
  • Authoring and corresponding Presentation template
  • Components (A menu and authoring tools component)
  • 1 Site area and 2 sample content items
The default items are a simple but effective starting point for a new library. Those new to the product get a working site they can experiment with, and experienced users avoid needing to create the base set of workflow actions every time they start with a fresh WCM :-)... pick and choose what you want to keep and delete the rest.

Should be interesting .....


Savas Duvan said...

Interesting however the artifacts mentioned in the list (except the last) should be kept in a design library rather then content; which is an IBM best practice (the so called library-partitioning).

On the other hand it will definitely speed up development during for example a Proof Of Concept.

Dave Hay said...

Savas, yes, your point re separation of items into different libraries is well made, but I'd also concur that development/test environments can benefit from this new approach, regards, Dave

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