Monday, 4 April 2011

IBM Lotus Sametime Proxy Server upgrade for WebSphere Portal 7

This from CollaborationBen, aka Mr Ben Williams Esq.

An IBM'er dropped me an email this afternoon about a portlet which has been released for Portal 7 which integrates with the STProxy. This looks to replace the out dated Sametime Contact List portlet and remove STLinks from Portal.

Now, I haven't had the chance to try it out but I will soon and post more information.

If someone gets the chance to deploy it please let me know how you get on.

You can get it from the Greenhouse

More information has  become available this morning and a Wiki article has been written.

And, from the Greenhouse, we have this: -

IBM® Lotus® Sametime® Proxy Server upgrade for IBM WebSphere® Portal 7 allows you to connect to Lotus Sametime and use its features in IBM WebSphere Portal Version 7.0.0. This update replaces the Java applet-based connections to Lotus Sametime with a web service based solution. It uses a REST service on Lotus Sametime V8.5 or later proxy server. This new update works with Lotus Sametime community server V7.5.1 or later.

Lotus Sametime proxy server upgrade for WebSphere Portal V7 provides a new Contact List portlet. Its general functionality is similar to the previous support provided, but the new portlet has an updated look.

You can place the portlet on a portal page. This portlet behaves like the Lotus Sametime web client. For example, users can:

  • See the list of their contacts, including their public and private groups. Expand and collapse their groups.
  • Set their status.
  • Find other Lotus Sametime users by using the search feature.

After you add the Person Card, users can view the business card of contacts and work with additional functions of Lotus Sametime

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