Thursday, 3 May 2012

Managed Pages – First Look at a New WebSphere Portal 8 Feature

A good summary of a rather nice new feature in WebSphere Portal 8 ( which ships tomorrow ! ) from David Wilkerson of Davalan

The task of managing portal pages and web content is evolving and in the next release of WebSphere Portal the integration between web content management and portal page management will grow even tighter.  Recently I installed WebSphere Portal 8 Beta 3 and dove into my first examination. In the following paragraphs I talk about what I saw and learned during my sortie into this new realm.

After logging into the portal I landed on the Getting Started page. I decided to take a quick look at the properties and layout of the page using a conventional approach. I navigated to the Administration pages and loaded the Manage Pages portlet. At the top of the page is a new feature. This pane, which I have dubbed the project pane, represents the state of the page as a member of a project. Projects are not new to Web Content Management but they are, so far as I know, new to page management. According to the product Wiki, "When working in a project, any changes you make to a page affect only your view of the page.

To read more, please check out David's blog post here.

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