Friday, 25 May 2012

The Support Authority: Get to know the Visual Configuration Explorer

Looking forward to an upcoming enablement call on tthe VCE tool, which is something that could be immensely useful to my current project: -

Save time diagnosing complex configuration problems with the Visual Configuration Explorer, a new graphical troubleshooting tool available with the IBM® Support Assistant.

Introducing the Visual Configuration Explorer

When configuration problems occur in a complex software environment, you can spend a lot of time hunting for subtle changes that might have introduced errors. The new Visual Configuration Explorer tool, which runs as a plug-in to the IBM Support Assistant, simplifies configuration troubleshooting by letting you visualize, explore, and analyze the configurations of various software stacks offline.

For example, you could view the entire configuration of your cross-product environment, consisting of DB2®, WebSphere MQ, and WebSphere Application Server products, in a graphical format. Visual Configuration Explorer lets you:

• Compare different snapshots of the same runtime environment.
• Create diagrams that show configuration information in a graphical format, including key relationships between configuration elements.
• Access detailed configuration properties.
• Search across and within configurations for properties.
• Compare configurations.
• Correlate configuration information between different products.
• Save and restore your work.
• Collaborate with others during problem determination.
• Work in a standalone or client/server environment.

Figure 1. Typical Visual Configuration Explorer user interface window

Want to know more ? There's an old but useful developerWorks article here.

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