Saturday, 26 May 2012

SnappArchive for IBM Lotus Quickr (Domino)

Saw this on the Skype chat this AM, posted by the most excellent Rob Novak ( @LotusRockstar )

So to today's topic: what happens when you're finished with a Quickr place? Most will answer "nothing ." Some will say it gets archived, which is to say that it's copied (or they use qptool archive) as a Quickr place, only to be retrieved in the future if needed -- and if so, it must be reconstituted as a Quickr place (and potentially upgraded!). In either case, at the conclusion of a Quickr place's life on the Quickr server, all organizational knowledge and documents associated with that place go into a black hole! 

Today we're announcing a brand new solution to this problem, SnappArchiveTM for IBM Lotus Quickr (Domino). We have spent nearly a year of development to create three offerings - SaaS and two license types -- that perform a task that's simple in concept but so complex in execution that nobody's really done it at scale in Quickr's >13 year history. 

If you use Quickr Domino, you should definitely take a look at this, as it may well fill a gap .....

I'll be suggesting to one of my QD customers as soon as I finish writing this blog post ....

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