Friday, 11 October 2013

IBM WebSphere Support technical exchanges

From the Twitterverse: -

IBM support wants to help you take full advantage of your product. Join us as technical experts share their knowledge and then answer your questions. The sessions are designed to address specific technical issues and provide in-depth but narrowly focused training in convenient, live 1-2 hour seminars. Visit this site often to see upcoming topics and presenters.

15 Oct 2013 WebSphere Plugin Session Affnity and Load Balancing

We will give an overview of the Session Affinity and how it affects Plugin Load Balancing. We will give an overview of Plugin algorithm for Round Robin Load Balancing and show how to review Plugin Log to review Plugin Load Balancing.

16 Oct 2013 Ask the Experts - Shedding light on CICS Storage

We will be discussing the storage aspects inside CICS including topics such as the dynamic storage areas, short on storage conditions, storage violations and tuning parameters available.

23 Oct 2013 IBM HTTP Server: Logging Essentials for Advanced Debugging

The purpose of this presentation is to provide logging essentials for advanced debugging within the IBM HTTP Server. This includes, but not limited to, SSL debugging, mod_rewrite problems, compression & caching, web server plug-in routing, virtualhosts, performance & web server thread utilization.

24 Oct 2013 Ask the Experts - JNDI Naming configuration and problem determination

WebSphere Application Server includes support for the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). It provides a name server and JNDI implementation to allow access to resources. This webcast covers questions on using JNDI in WebSphere Application Server.

31 Oct 2013 Handling undelivered messages in WebSphere MQ 7: Dead Letter Queue, Poison Messages

This WSTE discusses practical information on how to handle undelivered messages: Dead Letter Queue, Poison Messages. It also discusses the configuration for handling poison messages by the MQ JMS provider in WebSphere Application Server.

05 Nov 2013 Database Connectivity in OPL

This presentation will feature the database connectivity features built into the OPL product, from basic connectivity to advanced use cases. The talk will also cover frequently asked questions and topics on these types of connections.

06 Nov 2013 ODM Rule Execution Server configuration and tuning

Explain the integration and configuration options for RES and provide performance tuning tips.

07 Nov 2013 Ask the Experts - WMQ FTE Resource Monitor Basics and Common Pitfalls

This Open Mic will discuss WMQ FTE basic concepts, configuration, security as well as most common pitfalls.

12 Nov 2013 Constructing a baseline model in LogicNet Plus

An introduction to baseline model creation in LogicNet Plus, including how to troubleshoot common issues and the minimum requirements for a feasible baseline model.

12 Nov 2013 Native Memory issues for WebSphere Application Server

This presentation covers native memory issues for WebSphere Application Server, particularly native OutOfMemoryErrors and leaks on Linux. It covers theory, memory layouts, detecting and monitoring (ps, gdb), isolating and avoiding, and finally analyzing leaks.

13 Nov 2013 Ask the Experts - Enhanced CICS IPIC Communication Debugging

This presentation will expand on the CICS IPIC Communication Debugging presentation from March 2013. You may want to review that presentation before the call. It can be found at this URL: We will discuss debugging practices further in depth as well as best documentation to gather for IBM Support to assist on IPIC problems.

19 Nov 2013 Ask the Experts - MQ Clustering Gotchas! Avoiding Cluster Administration Errors

MQ Clustering was introduced in v5.1 and customers are adopting the clustering method of messaging over point to point, for ease of admin. and workload balance. Certain rules apply for config and admin, which if not followed, will cause adverse effects. This session discusses how to avoid mistakes when administering MQ Clusters and will provide a Q&A session regarding MQ Clustering Administration.

20 Nov 2013 Activating XML Toolkit V1.10 XML4C parser for WDI 3.3 for z/OS in a batch environment

The end of support for XML Toolkit V1.9 is approaching. Do you want to learn how to upgrade your WebSphere Data Interchange for z/OS system to run with XML Toolkit V1.10? This session will cover the implementation steps so you can upgrade WDI accordingly for a z/OS batch environment.

20 Nov 2013 Understanding DataPower Memory Utilization and Consumption

This WSTE explores how DataPower appliances manage and report memory usage. We will explain the different memory statistics and how to interpret them. We will also explain how to determine where memory is being used and how to isolate any problems. The talk will dive into specific common problems as seen by customers in the field.

21 Nov 2013 Trading Manager basic troubleshooting techniques

This presentation will cover basic troubleshooting of Trading Manager startup errors and verifying basic functionality.

03 Dec 2013 Comparison of CPLEX and OPL APIs

The presentation will review the different interfaces to the CPLEX product and the OPL product, including which ones are best suited to particular development environments, particular modelling strategies, and particular performance requirements.

04 Dec 2013 Ask the Experts - Understanding Connections in Service Integration Bus

Fine-tuning connections to the SIB messaging provider in WebSphere Application Server is paramount. It improves performance and provides easier diagnosis especially in large, scalable environments with multiple clusters. This session discusses best practices for handling connections of client applications to the messaging core processor of the Service Integration Bus, the messaging engine.

05 Dec 2013 Ask the Experts - Exploring the Explorer

This presentation will discuss some of the benefits and capabilities of the CICS Explorer and what it allows our customers to accomplish. It will cover subjects that will show how the Explorer can be implemented to help our customers become more efficient.

10 Dec 2013 Efficient Programming for Large Models

As computation speed increases, it has been feasible to create larger models.  The presentation will describe different techniques and designs that properly scale to thousands and millions of variables, and can efficiently handle large optimization models.

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Note to self - Firefox and local connections

 Whilst trying to hit my NAS from Firefox on my Mac, I kept seeing errors such as:- Unable to connect Firefox can’t establish a connection t...