Sunday, 7 June 2015

Asus X205TA - MacBook Air feel, at a budget price

I was seeking a laptop for a family member, one who was struggling with an old and very slow Toshiba laptop running Windows  7.

He was looking for something with which he could surf, Gmail, Facebook etc. as well as play some simple Windows games - Solitaire, Sudoko, crossword puzzles etc.

The Asus X205TA looked to be a good combination of price, weight, performance, battery life and price.

It's only got 2 GB RAM, but that's all that's required for this particular set of requirements. The 32 GB flash drive is what helps with regard to performance, and the ability to simply close the lid to suspend Windows gives the laptop a tablet-like feel.

I was deeply impressed with Windows 8.1, only having had experience of Windows XP and Windows 7.

As a Mac user, the combination of the OS plus the size, performance and general nippiness means that this little Asus has a MacBook AIr feel, at ~30% of the price.

With Windows 10 coming out next month, it'll be interesting to see whether there's any benefit in upgrading W8.1 to the latest release, or whether it's solving a problem that we just don't have.

We delivered the laptop to its new home yesterday ( Saturday ), and the response was excellent - think small child with a Christmas toy - and the feedback thus far is also great.

Time will tell with regard to the laptop, I'm on standby for technical support, but I cannot fault GoGoDigital's customer service, which was excellent.

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