Monday, 13 December 2010

IBM WebSphere Portal portlet load monitoring plug-in

This goes into the useful pile of things I haven't yet had a chance to try ...

Portlet Load monitoring is a portlet filter that allows portal administrators to protect their portal by defining a maximum number of concurrent requests and an average response time allowed for a JSR 168 or JSR 286 portlet. If the portlet exceeds either the defined maximum number of concurrent requests, or the average response time, then Portlet Load Monitoring will no longer allow further requests to the portlet. Instead, portal renders the portlet as unavailable and the portlet code is no longer called for further requests. This way, your portal installation is protected from non responsive portlets to consume more and more threads.

This requires WebSphere Portal or 6.15 or higher, as well as APAR 05689, which is included in cumulative fix 3 (CFPM09968) or available on top of CF2.

It's available in the Greenhouse here.

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