Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Lotus Connections 3 - More problems with Profiles Population Wizard with DB2 on Windows

Following Otto's comments on my TDI7 on Linux post , one of my colleagues, Rob, saw a similar problem today, using DB2 9.7 on a Windows platform.

Like Otto, he saw: -

Cause: com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.SqlSyntaxErrorException: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-551, SQLSTATE=42501, SQLERRMC=DB2ADMIN;SELECT;EMPINST.PROF_CONSTANTS, DRIVER=3.59.81

In Rob's case, the problem appeared to be due to the fact that he was using the db2admin account rather than the lcuser account.

He'd performed a quick installation of DB2 and the fix pack, and didn't have the DB2ADM and DB2USERS groups created.

Therefore, the db2admin account was a member of the Administrators group.

For Rob, the solution was to create a new user, lcuser, and then add it to the Administrators group.

In conclusion, follow the documentation and create a lcuser account which can then be given DB2 privileges via the DB2USERS group.

This actually makes sense - would you really want your WebSphere servers ( Connections ) connecting to DB2 as the super-user ? No, of course you wouldn't :-)

*UPDATE* Rob also mentioned that, apart from the above recommendation to use lcuser for the Profiles Population Wizard, the database  wizard ( DBWizard ) must be run using the db2admin account on Windows - this is a database administrator account, whereas Lotus Connections connects, via WAS/JDBC, to DB2 as a user ( lcuser ).


Otto Foerg said...

This also solved my problem. I also used db2admin instead of lcuser - as I was used to do in Connections 2.5.

After creating the lcuser account and adding it to DB2USERS group everything worked fine.

This comes from not reading all the details in the documentation when working with a newer version of a product :-)

Thanks, Otto

Dave Hay said...

@Otto - no problems, glad it worked for you.

PS I also emailed you to let you know that this blog post had been updated.

Regards, Dave

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