In order to resolve a problem that I was seeing with the Ephox EditLive! Rich Text Editor and the Oracle/Sun Java 6 Update 22 JRE, I was waiting for the next Cumulative Fix for Lotus WCM v7.
Well, it was released yesterday - November 30 - as PM27561 Cumulative fix 8 for IBM Lotus Web Content Management version 7.0.0.x which was posted to IBM Fix Central ( ).
Once I'd installed the fix using the Portal Update Installer ( version 20100813_2329 ), I had to do the following: -
a) Update WCM using the update-wcm script
b) Redeploy the WCM Authoring, Local Rendering and Administration Portlets
from /opt/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer/installableApps
Until I did this, EditLive! didn't load, and instead threw: -
HTTP Error Code: 404
Error Message:
JSPG0036E: Failed to find resource /jsp/html/EditLiveJavaEditor.jsp
Root Cause: JSPG0036E: Failed to find resource /jsp/html/EditLiveJavaEditor.jsp
c) Re-enable WCM authoring functionality - until I did this, I saw "IWKAP0009E: Servlet not enabled. " when I attempted to create a new content item using the New... link in the Library Explorer portlet
I fixed this using install-wcm-hidden-authoring-page script, as per this Technote: -
WCM page and authoring portlet may not display after migration
Having done all of the above, and restarted Portal for good measure, I'm now back in the game, and Ephox is working well, both with the IBM JRE that I use on Ubuntu and also with the Sun/Oracle Java 6 JRE.
For the record, the original problem was that, with Update 22, I wasn't able to paste text into the Design view in EditLive!, and any code entered in the Code view failed to render.
The WCM fix updates EditLive from to
Geeking in technology since 1985, with IBM Development, focused upon Docker and Kubernetes on the IBM Z LinuxONE platform In the words of Dr Cathy Ryan, "If you don't write it down, it never happened". To paraphrase one of my clients, "Every day is a school day". I do, I learn, I share. The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions. Remember, YMMV
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The same problem appears to be in WCM 6.1, do you have informations about it? Thank!
@Enzo, no, I'm afraid not. Please raise a PMR with IBM Support and ask whether there's an equivalent WCM 6.1 fix to support the Ephox EditLive! RTE with Java 6 Update 22
Hi Dave, running update-wcm will redeploy all the WCM portlets for you. In v7 you can no longer manually deploy the WCM authoring UI.
If you ever find yourself needing to redepoy the WCM authoring UI then run configure-wcm-authoring
@Eric - thanks for this. However, please note that the Readme for the fix ( PM27561 ) specifically instructs one to:run the update-wcm task.
With regard to updating the portlets, I found that I couldn't access the EditLive! RTE until I redeployed the WCM Authoring portlet.
Your point re the configure-wcm-authoring task is well made; I ran the other task ( install-wcm-hidden-authoring-page ) because I saw the "IWKAP0009E: Servlet not enabled" exception.
@Dave sorry if I was misleading you absolutely need to run update-wcm... you just dont need to manually redeploy the portlets as update-wcm will do that for you.
@Eric - OK, I will take your word for it, as that's how it should've worked in the past. However, this time around, I had to redeploy the WCM authoring UI in order to get the EditLive! JSP to load.
I'll test again when time allows, and update accordingly.
Regards, Dave
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