Wednesday, 10 August 2011

IBM Connections on the Apple iOS devices ( should that be iConnections now ? )

W00t, anyone with an iShiny mobile device ( iPhone, iPad or, iGuess, an iTouch ) should know about this.

The IBM Connections app for iOS devices is now available in iTunes for free download.

IBM Connections is social software for business. It enables you to build a network of colleagues and subject matter experts, and then leverage that network to further your business goals. With its integrated suite of tools, you can share and discuss ideas, work collaboratively on presentations or proposals, plan and track project tasks, and much more. IBM Connections is a web application that is deployed on a company intranet to promote collaboration within the company. The IBM Connections mobile application extends access to company data to employees who are on the go. 

Use the mobile application to perform common IBM Connections tasks with a minimal number of steps. If IBM Connections is deployed in your company, you can download this application and log in using the same credentials as always. (The server must be running version 3.0.1 plus the July 2011 mobile update or higher and the mobile application must be installed on it. Check with your IT administrator if you aren't sure.) If you do not have IBM Connections deployed in your company, but want to try it out, log into a deployment hosted on Lotus Greenhouse, which is an IBM product trial site. Just register with Lotus Greenhouse to create a user name and password. Download the application, and when prompted for the Connections server URL to connect to, specify  Use the credentials that were created when you registered to log in. 

Go here for the link and get going …

PS Thanks to @CuriousMitch for the link to the Mobile Update

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