Wednesday, 24 August 2011

IBM Social Connections II - Cardiff ( Wales ) - Friday 9 December 2011

This from Stuart

Social Connections 2 will take place on 9th December, 2011. It will be a one-day event with a formal agenda running from 9am to 6pm, with an informal social gathering scheduled for the evening.

Cardiff University have graciously offered to host the event. They have a wonderful conference facility known as the Glamorgan Building, formerly the offices of the Glamorgan County Council, which is just a 10 minute walk from the city centre and railway station. The building is splendid, and the rooms we will be using have many of their original features including oak-panelling, oil-paintings and more - an anonymous hotel this is not!

For more details AND, most importantly, registration, please go here here here

Hope to see you there ...

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