Thursday, 11 August 2011

IBM Lotus Quickr Library Widgets for IBM Connections 3.0.1

Luis Benitez mentioned this earlier in the Quickr Skype Community ( ping me for details ).

The IBM Lotus Quickr Library Widgets for IBM Connections 3.0.1 provides the following features:

• A "Linked Quickr Library" widget surfaces an existing Lotus Quickr library. Members of the community can read and manage library documents based on their roles in the Lotus Quickr place that contains the library. An administrator or user with a Manager role in the place must add community members as place members before the members can access the library. Membership changes are not synchronized between the community and place, an administrator must update both.
• A "Quickr Library" widget creates a new Lotus Quickr place with a library, and surfaces that library in the community. When the place is created, community members are synchronized to Lotus Quickr and made place members. Any membership changes in the community are synchronized to the place. But membership changes in the place are not synchronized to the community. For example, if you add a member to the community, that change is synchronized and they are added to the place. But adding a user to the place will not add them to the community. When the community is deleted, the place and library are deleted.
The Widgets are in the Greenhouse here.

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