Wednesday, 1 August 2012

IBM Collaboration Solutions Technical Tweetup 2

This from Paul Mooney

#ICSTT is back.  Scheduled for 12pm EST on Thursday 16th August during MWLUG, we plan to put on another technical Q&A forum for any and all to partake in.  Lessons learned from last time:

• We want to emphasise it is open to all and everyone to send in questions and answer them.  More interaction the better!
• Going to keep it to 60 minutes in future
• You can go to the tweetup website to submit your questions in advance (or if you don't use twitter).  You can also see the archive of previous chats there.

So the topics this time will be XPages and IBM Connections. Teamstudio are hosting it again and you will able to donate to charity if you feel your questions have been answered, or you have been given good direction.   Of course if you drift out of the designated topics it's not a big deal.   Fancy being in the moderators chat on these topics ?(this is just a skype chat for the duration just to try to help out with answering on questions).  Just leave a comment.

I missed this last time around, so will make a conscious effort to dial in and see what's going on.

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