Monday, 6 August 2012

IBM Connections 3 - SCHD0063E: A task with ID 1 failed to run on Scheduler CommunitiesScheduler

Oops, having followed my previous posts, and moved from a Medium to a Small Deployment for IBM Connections 3, I then hit the following errors, seen in SystemOut.log, when starting my new small single-server cluster: -

[06/08/12 16:55:50:066 BST] 00000036 AlarmListener E   SCHD0063E: A task with ID 1 failed to run on Scheduler CommunitiesScheduler (scheduler/communities) because of an exception: SCHD0013E: The following error occurred while accessing the UserCalendar with JNDI Name com/ibm/websphere/scheduler/calendar/DefaultUserCalendarHome and specifier CRON : SCHD0137E: Unable to create EJB instance for UserCalendar: java.rmi.RemoteException: CORBA NO_IMPLEMENT 0x49421042 No; nested exception is:
        >> SERVER (id=11c328fe, TRACE START:
        >>    org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT: No Cluster Data Available  vmcid: 0x49421000  minor code: 42  completed: No

[06/08/12 16:55:50:081 BST] 0000003b AlarmListener E   SCHD0063E: A task with ID 4 failed to run on Scheduler WikisScheduler (scheduler/wikis) because of an exception: SCHD0013E: The following error occurred while accessing the UserCalendar with JNDI Name com/ibm/websphere/scheduler/calendar/DefaultUserCalendarHome and specifier CRON : SCHD0137E: Unable to create EJB instance for UserCalendar: java.rmi.RemoteException: CORBA NO_IMPLEMENT 0x49421042 No; nested exception is:
        >> SERVER (id=11c328fe, TRACE START:
        >>    org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT: No Cluster Data Available  vmcid: 0x49421000  minor code: 42  completed: No

Thankfully, this old-but-useful Technote came to my aid: -

In essence, I needed to clean up the databases ( for the Search Scheduler task ) and then refresh the Search task.

I started by stopping (!) my cluster, and then running the clearScheduler SQL script against some of the databases ( note that not all appear to have this option ): -

$ su - db2inst1
$ cd  /tmp/Wizards/Wizards/connections.sql


$ db2 -td@ -vf activities/db2/clearScheduler.sql 


$ db2 -td@ -vf communities/db2/clearScheduler.sql 


$ db2 -td@ -vf files/db2/clearScheduler.sql 


$ db2 -td@ -vf forum/db2/clearScheduler.sql 


$ db2 -tvf homepage/db2/clearScheduler.sql 


$ db2 -tvf profiles/db2/clearScheduler.sql 


$ db2 -td@ -vf wikis/db2/clearScheduler.sql 

before restarting the cluster 

I then jumped across to a completely different source of information, one that's more up-to-date: -

cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin
$ ./ -lang jython

wsadmin> execfile("")
wsadmin> Scheduler.listAllTasks()
wsadmin> Scheduler.clearAllTasks()

and then restarted the cluster.

This time around, I get NO nasty scheduling errors.

Therefore, I'm not 100% sure that I actually needed to run the clearSchedule SQL script but it doesn't appear to have hurt :-)

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