Tuesday, 13 May 2014

British Computer Society - Raspberry Pi: GPIO Workshop - Monday 19 May 2014

As per my previous post: -

Monday 19 May
Raspberry Pi: GPIO Workshop,
Presented by Joe Dunn, at Southampton Solent University
Time: 17:00 for 17:30 (20:30 finish)
Venue: Reginald Mitchell building, 1st floor, room RM 148, Southampton Solent University, SO14 0RD
Free but Booking essential via : Joe Dunn - j.dunn@theiet.org
Organised jointly with the IET, BCS Hampshire Branch and Southampton Solent University
Learn how to use wireless networking events to control GPIO outputs on the Pi!

A hands-on 3 hour interactive workshop and lecture teaching attendees how traffic on a wireless network can be used to trigger events using a WiFi dongle and the GPIO pins on board the Raspberry Pi. For example, program your Pi to automatically turn on your kettle or central heating when it detects you coming home!

Bring your own Pi, power lead, network cable and laptop. SD cards and WiFi dongles will be provided. If you don't have a Pi, come along anyway and we'll pair you with somebody who does.

Due to a high level of interest and limited space, prior registration is mandatory. 

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