Monday, 12 May 2014

Cross-cell configuration between IBM Business Monitor and IBM Business Process Manager


This document describes a cross-cell configuration between IBM Business Monitor and IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) to allow for the monitoring of events from Business Process Definitions (BPDs) deployed in a remote cell to IBM Business Monitor.


The instructions below assume an environment with IBM Business Monitor V8.0.1, IBM Business Process Manager V8.0.1, and DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows V9.7.0.4 installed. It also assumes that an IBM Business Process Manager Advanced Process Server Deployment Manager profile is created with at least one custom node federated into it, and a IBM Business Monitor standalone profile is created and verified.
The information in this document is based on the same set of instructions from this Information Center article, under the Multiple-cell environment with the BPM event emitter service in the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced cell section. This document illustrates the exact same set of instructions with accompanying screenshots.

Note that this is relevant to BPM 8.0.1; things have changed slightly for BPM 8.5.

I'm working to get this working as I write ..... ping me for details :-)

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