Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Using WebSphere MQ V7 as JMS Provider for WebSphere Application Server V7, V8.0 and V8.5

This rather useful White Paper is currently of use to me, and may be of use to you.


To demonstrate the use of a simple but functional Message Driven Bean (MDB) in WebSphere Application Server V7, V8.0 and V8.5, which interacts with WebSphere MQ V7 as the Java™ Messaging Service (JMS) provider.


To demonstrate the use of a simple but functional Message Driven Bean (MDB) in WebSphere Application Server V7, V8.0 and V8.5, which interacts with WebSphere MQ V7 as the Java™ Messaging Service (JMS) provider.

The MDB was created with Rational Application Developer (RAD) 7.5 and the Enterprise Archive File (EAR) file which contains the MDB can be downloaded from this techdoc.

The main scenario is to show how to configure both WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere MQ V7.x, in order for an MDB to get messages from MQ, using a WebSphere Application Server Listener Port from a Queue (Point to Point).

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