Friday, 21 October 2011

IBM Web Experience Factory - Something New ...

Some useful information, reposted from one of my IBM colleagues; definitely worth a look ...

This video illustrates the way to install the optional Web Page Editor from eclipse. This editor is a WYSIWYG HTML editor that includes a palette of HTML 4 tags. It improves your HTML editing experience from the default editor with it's source and design view plus it's review capabilities.  

Creating Your Application's User Interface in WEF 7.0.1

This article and related articles describe a number of techniques for constructing your applications user interface and page layout based on two basic approaches to controlling page layout:

A data-driven automated approach, where all the data fields are initially generated from a schema and can then be customized using Design view and builders 
A custom layout approach, where page layouts are created in an HTML authoring tool or editor. 

Understand how to create custom HTML to more easily integrate with page automation builders so that the design process will be more streamlined. A quick overview of page automation is followed by  specifics on pages, navigation, and field integration techniques.

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Reminder - installing podman and skopeo on Ubuntu 22.04

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